Volunteer Positions

Volunteers are a critical component of providing a solid and fun program for Pack 618 Scouts.  There are volunteer opportunities that run throughout the Scout year and volunteer opportunities that are just a few hours.  This list primarily includes year long volunteer positions, but almost all Pack events require volunteer support - if you see something listed below, use the Contact Us page to connect with the volunteer coordinator!

The Pack 618 Committee is made up of registered Pack leaders, all listed below.  These positions have position specific training, require background checks, and Scouting America’s Youth Protection Training.

Committee Chair



Assistant Cubmaster


Advancement Chair 

Den Leaders & Assistant Den Leaders

As previously stated, volunteers help the Pack run smoothly.  The below volunteer positions only require Scouting America’s Youth Protection Training.

Volunteer Coordinator


Popcorn Kernel

Fundraiser Coordinator 

New Member Coordinator

Recruiting Coordinator

Social Media Coordinator 

Day Camp Coordinator

Pinewood Derby Chair 

Blue & Gold Chair 

Sponsor Organization Liaison 

Den Leader Mentor


School Liaison

Scouting for Food Coordinator

STEM Coordinator 

Religious Emblem Coordinator

Hike Coordinator