Volunteer Positions
Volunteers are a critical component of providing a solid and fun program for Pack 618 Scouts. There are volunteer opportunities that run throughout the Scout year and volunteer opportunities that are just a few hours. This list primarily includes year long volunteer positions, but almost all Pack events require volunteer support - if you see something listed below, use the Contact Us page to connect with the volunteer coordinator!
The Pack 618 Committee is made up of registered Pack leaders, all listed below. These positions have position specific training, require background checks, and Scouting America’s Youth Protection Training.
Committee Chair
Maintains relationship with the charter organization
Works with the local Scouts BSA troops that Cub Scouts will graduate into
Oversees pack finances
Runs Pack Committee meetings and assigns duties to committee members
Reviews and renews the Pack Charter on a yearly basis
Keeps minutes during Committee meetings and distributes to Committee in a timeline manner
Maintains Pack roster and assists with rechartering
Shares online resources for Den Leaders and Pack families
Writes and shares Pack 618 Update with CCES and ASLC
Serves as back up if the Committee Chair is unavailable
Leads the monthly pack meeting
Ensures the Pack, leaders, and Cub Scouts reflect the interests and objectives of Scouting America
Recruits, trains, and supports Den Leaders
Works as a team with the Pack Committee Chair to cultivate, educate, and motivate all pack leaders and parents in Cub Scouting
Ensures parents are involved
Establishes and maintains good relationships with Scouts BSA troops
Creating year-round programs that will aid Cub Scouts in advancement and allow them to help their local community
Assistant Cubmaster
Supports Cubmaster in all assigned tasks
Manages Pack Summer Activities
Oversees the Pack finances, including the annual budget
Provides monthly budget update to Pack Committee
Requests Pack dues from families
Manages Pack bank account, co-signs on Pack checks
Manages payments through Square
Reimburses pack members for expenses
Tracks Pack balance with Baltimore Area Council
Advancement Chair
Updates ScoutBook for Pack Advancement recognition
Purchases Advancement supplies
Plans induction and advancement ceremonies
Trains parents and pack leaders to help Cub Scouts advance
Develops, builds, or obtains any equipment needed for pack advancement
Den Leaders & Assistant Den Leaders
Running the weekly den meetings, ensuring that Cub Scouts are always working towards rank advancement
Updates ScoutBook with Den Advancements
Attending Pack meetings and acting as a host for other den parents
Keeping parents informed of events and activities
Modeling behavior for Cub Scouts, including wearing the proper uniform
Developing fun outings that help Scouts learn more about their local community
Helping Scouts with activities at the monthly Pack meeting
As previously stated, volunteers help the Pack run smoothly. The below volunteer positions only require Scouting America’s Youth Protection Training.
Volunteer Coordinator
Recruits and identifies volunteers for long-term positions
Recruits and identifies volunteers for short-term needs and events
Communicates with Pack leaders to understand volunteer needs
Creates Sign-Up Genius for events that require volunteers
Notifies event leader of volunteers status
Keeps records on pack equipment
Makes sure equipment is in good working condition
Issues equipment and makes sure it is returned in good condition
Provides proper inventory, storage, and maintenance of all equipment
Makes suggestions for new or replacement items
Coordinates with Committee Chair, Cubmaster, and Assistant Cubmaster to have flags and speaker system at Pack Meetings and other events
Popcorn Kernel
Registers Pack with Baltimore Area Council for Annual Popcorn fundraiser
Attends virtual training session related to popcorn sales
Communicates with Pack about popcorn sales
Registers Pack with Trails End
Organizes at least 2 table sale opportunities with local retailers (usually Giant)
Uses Trails End to organize Pack table sales
Responds to questions from Pack parents about popcorn sales
Shares popcorn sales information with Pack 618 Committee
Attends Committee meetings during popcorn sales season
Fundraiser Coordinator
Identifies relevant fundraising opportunities
Presents ideas at Committee meeting
Point of Contact during fundraising events
Coordinates with treasurer for account details
New Member Coordinator
Should attend most fall Pack events
Connects new families to Den Leaders
Helps new families understand the ways of the Pack and Scouting
Recruiting Coordinator
Works with Committee to develop plans and strategies to recruit throughout the the year, especially during recruitment season (August/September)
Organizes Back-to-School night
Organizes annual new parent night & collaborates with New Member Coordinator
Social Media Coordinator
Creates posts on Facebook for Scout events throughout the year
Invites pack members to like/subscribe to page
Highlights other Pack related/supported activities
Day Camp Coordinator
Announces Camp Linstead dates to Pack Committee and parents
Liaises with Camp Linstead Key 3 and Pack parents and volunteers
Organizes parent volunteer information
Receives and reviews Scouts medical forms, provides to Camp Linstead Key 3
Shares pertinent Camp Linstead information with Pack Committee and parents
Pinewood Derby Chair
Provides updates to the Pack Committee related to progress of event, cost, issues, etc.
Communicates volunteer requirements to Volunteer Coordinator
Leads volunteer team day of Pinewood Derby
Track set up, race running, clean up, storage
Organizes Pinewood Derby Build Days
Maintains track, electronic timing, and race system
Blue & Gold Chair
Organizes Blue & Gold Ceremony to recognize Scouts bridging to Scouts BSA:
Assign theme
Location & decorations
Organize volunteers for Set-Up
Organize volunteers for Tear-Down
Gifts for Cubmaster and Committee Chair spouses
Special Awards for other volunteers
Games (if needed)
Adheres to set budget
Provides updates to the Pack Committee related to progress of event, cost, issues, etc.
Communicates volunteer requirements to Volunteer Coordinator
Sponsor Organization Liaison
Attends one ASLC Council meeting per quarter
Reserves ASLC for the Pack or Dens when needed
Invites ASLC (and/or others) to Pack events (Blue & Gold, Pinewood Derby, Advancement Picnic)
Organizes coat drive and clean up with ASLC
Raises any issues related to Pack & ASLC at Committee Meeting
Organizes and promotes Scout Sunday (first Sunday in February)
Den Leader Mentor
Organizes & leads Den Leader training
Shares information about:
Leading Den meetings
Communicating with parents
Updating ScoutBook
Organizing the Den Calendar
Updates Pack webpage as required
Creates Google Groups for new Dens
Manages Pack Google account
School Liaison
Requests reservation information from Pack Committe
Notifies Pack Committee of any fees related to reservations
Reserves school spaces for Scouting events using Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) application
Communicates with HCPSS staff on status of reservations
Scouting for Food Coordinator
Notifies Pack Committee of Scouting for Food dates and information
Picks up Scouting for Food tags
Emails Pack Committee Scouting for Food tag drop off locations
Coordinates with local organizations (public food banks or religious organizations) for donation drop off
STEM Coordinator
Identifies three activities for Pack NOVA Day
Coordinates purchase of activity supplies
Religious Emblem Coordinator
Provides information to Pack about religious emblems for all faiths
Guides Scouts in meeting requirements for the religious emblem
Communicates status to Pack Committee
Awards Scout the religious emblem at Pack meeting
Hike Coordinator
Identifies dates and locations for Pack hikes
Communications with Pack Committee about hikes
Leads hikes at the specified location
Ensures Pack has Six Essentials on the hike