Pinewood Derby
There are three stages of Pinewood Derby (building the car, registering the car, and racing the car) and each has corresponding events hosted by the Pack (Build Days, Weigh-Ins, and the Pinewood Derby).
Note: On the day of the race, you will see a wide spectrum of cars… a handful of kids who were handed a hammer and some markers and left to create their cars on their own, and some that you will swear a parent created with no help from his kid (though we have some very capable Scouts, so don't be too quick to judge.)
Somewhere in between those extremes is probably the best mix of Scout-Parent participation.
Family members are welcome to design and build their own cars to compete in the Outlaw race. Parents can purchase cars from the Pack for $10.
Build Days
Build Day #1: Saturday, Feb 8, 2–4 PM, Abiding Savior Church
Build Day #2: Saturday, Feb 15, 2–4 PM, Abiding Savior Church (also Weigh-In #1)
Scout will receive a small box containing the basics of the car: a block of wood, 4 black plastic wheels, 4 silver nails ("axles"), and a handful of number stickers (which you probably won't use).
We recommend placing the nails and wheels in a small baggie until you are ready to use them so they do not get lost.
At Build Days, experienced Scout leaders and parents are available to answer questions.
A band saw will be set up for a trained adult to cut out specific shapes. Straight lines are easiest, but we can work with curves. Cutting ends at 3:45 PM.
A sander will be set up for parents and Scouts to smooth edges.
A precut car (ex. From Michael’s or Hobby Lobby) must meet all of the requirements outlined below and use the wheels and axles from the Pack-supplied kit. Many are in violation of rule 2 as they do not have axle grooves on the bottom of the block--this may make them ineligible for speed awards.
Family members are welcome at Build Day to get help with their cars as well.
Some additional help on designing your car can be found at the following BSA page: Lots of additional resources are available on the internet. Also note that when considering candidates for design awards, preference will be given to Scout-fabricated designs.
Car Requirements
1. You must use the materials in the kits—but you may purchase official colored BSA wheels from the Scout Store.
2. The wheels may not be recessed into the sides of the block, and axles must be attached in the grooves provided.
3. Maintain original ground clearance—no weights or other parts may be surface-mounted on the underside of the wood body in such a way that will interfere or make contact with the track. Our track does allow for a small amount of space between the body of the car and the surface of the track.
WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT mounting weight under the car’s surface. Having said that, many cars have run fine with this sort of weight screwed or glued directly to the bottom of the car.
WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND routing the bottom of the car to inset the weights if you would like to mount weight on the bottom of the car.
4. Total Weight must not exceed 5.0 ounces on the Pack’s Designated Scale.
5. No motors, springs, moving parts (other than wheels), or liquid lubricants allowed. The only allowed lubricant is the dry graphite kind.
6. The diameter and tread width and shape of the wheels may not be changed.
7. The car must not exceed 7.00 inches long (front to back) or 2.75 inches wide (axle to axle).
Weigh-Ins (and Registration)
Weigh-In #1: Saturday, Feb 15, 2–4 PM, Abiding Savior Church
Weigh-In #2: Thursday, Feb 20, 6–8 PM, Abiding Savior Church
You must bring your child's car to be weighed-in, numbered, catalogued, and impounded at one of the two above times.
If you are uncertain about how close you are to the approved weight and dimensions, we strongly suggest you come to the first weigh-in, so that if additional modifications need to be made to your child's car, you can try again on the second weigh-in.
We will ask your child for the “name” of the car that we will add to the race software for display during the race, so have your Scout think about it before you arrive.
Once weighed-in, your Scout's car will be kept secure and untouched until racetime in the pack car-rack.
If you want to put graphite on the axles, make sure you do it before handing the car over to us.
If the cars do not meet the Pack rules at check-in, you will be advised of any rule violations.
Cars outside of weight limits cannot be entered.
Cars with other violations may be raced if you do not have the ability to adjust, but will not be eligible for any of the trophies (including design awards).
Pinewood Derby Race
Saturday, Feb 22, 2-4 PM, CCES Cafeteria
On race day, the CCES Cafeteria is full - a long, gleaming track down the center, and Scouts, parents, siblings, and families on either side. The CCES PTA hosts a bake sale, so bring extra cash to get some snacks!
Your scout's car will compete against the other cars in their Scout rank. Several heats will be run, and your Scout's car will race at least 2 heats, perhaps more based on the number of entrants.
The winning cars from each Den will compete among each other for fastest overall.
If a car should leave the track during a heat, that particular heat will be re-run. If the same car should leave the track during the repeat heat, or any subsequent heats, those races will only be re-run at the end of the race.
Outlaw Race
We have an Outlaw race category where many of the official rules are not enforced. The open race is available to any participant (including parents) and there are two classes - gravity only and assisted propulsion. Open race rules:
No combustion or ignition
Cannot damage the track or surrounding area in any way (ie: weight, size, etc)
Cannot leave anything on the track (ie: water)
Has to start hands-free
It has to fit and run on the track and be able to pass under the timer gate
Certificates are awarded for the Outlaw race
At the end of the event, trophies will be given out to:
1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for speed in each rank,
1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for design in each rank,
Overall Pack Fastest car,
Overall Pack Best Design
Each non-trophies participant will receive something for their efforts.